Threats to your business continue to be on the rise

Network downtime is much more than just an inconvenience. It represents a real loss in your Business’s productivity, loss in customer service, and lost revenue for your Business.

With API’s Managed Services, you are engaging with a trusted partner to ensure that your systems are up when you need them. Proactive management of your network is critical to maintaining system-wide uptime and maximum end-user productivity for your Business.

For as little as $29.95 per month, API’s Managed Services plans to protect and monitor your most critical network systems.


Less than $1 per day

24×7 Round-the-Clock Server Monitoring

Round-the-clock monitoring checks your critical systems a regular intervals. Whenever it detects a problem, it sends an email alert showing the exact nature of the problem directly to us. And it updates us at our office and shows the exact status of all your servers. We’ll see the true nature of the problem – rather than having to depend on (ahem) your best guess. That means we can fix it faster – and radically boost your overall uptime.

Instant Alerts direct to your API Engineer. With accurate information. So we can fix it fast.

What Does It Check?

Every 5 minutes, 24×7 Monitoring will…

  • Check that your server is up and running
  • Login Failures
  • Check that you can connect to the internet
  • Check all critical services are running
  • Check your website is up
  • Checks disk space, alerts us when low on space
  • Checks server performance

iPartner is a Free Remote Assistant Viewer

We can assist you and you can see what we do securely!
If there’s a problem, we’ll be alerted instantly so we can take specific action to resolve the issue – almost always before you know you have one.


  • Specific, informative alerts show us the exact nature of the problem. We can fix it faster.
  • Problems are detected and we are alerted when they happen, so Uptime is maximized.
  • Monthly reports will be provided at no additional charge.
  • On-site and off-site backup solutions for your most critical business data, eliminating traditional tape backup and the need for human intervention to take backups off-site each

How do I get started?

iPartner Monitoring takes just minutes to set up, doesn’t require any system reboots, and can protect your business from downtime today.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with our team

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